Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Grandparents Descend on Daejeon

The Grandparents (Brownlee and Carson) have come to Daejeon to admire all that we created. Brownlee's arrived on Sunday and immediately requested an audience with Micah. Being his social director, Julie first had to be consulted and she allowed the visit under her watchful eye.
The boy is gaining weight (as all royalty should) due to the awesome milk producing power of Julie's mammary glands. He is taking it all in and bellowing for more on an almost hourly basis. Patience is holding fast however and I know that Julie will not be broken.
Hope you can see the difference in Micah circa last week and current Micah. We certainly can (Chub Chub).
Julie is still at home for the next 4 weeks, so please call her!!

Miss you guys during this time.

Jim and Julie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Play by play commentary appreciated...though would love to see pics of the mammary gland owner/social director, too!