Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa Train

Being in the U.S. this year for Christmas has been a bit different than our last two years. In Korea, the holiday is sporadically celebrated. Much fewer Christmas decor and certainly fewer Santas. This being our first real holiday with Micah, we have taken advantage of all opportunities, short of the mall scene, to visit Santa.
The latest visit was to Pt. Defiance Park and the Santa Train. For $2 we rode the train, got several minutes with Santa and despite the rain(surprise) and cold, had a great time with our friends, the Wiseth's.
Micah was a bit tired, but a trooper as he sat on Santa's lap and ate his biscuit. He asked for more tofu, cheese and Pediasure to help him keep his weight up during the Holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Great pictures of your little guy!!! Glad to see you are back in the states - hope all is well with you and your family. I'm still at ARHS :)

Mark Davis