Sunday, May 20, 2007

What a Hike!!

Julie and I finally made it to Daedunsan, one of the most famous hiking spots in Korea. It is only 1 hr outside of Daejeon and sports a suspension bridge and steep metal staircase. We traveled with our friends Mike and Jaci and Jeff, Robyn and Owen. Micah and I did not make it to the top (he was sleeping) because the cragginess and scrabbling nature of the top section prevented me from seeing my feet below Micah in his front pack.

The weather was beautiful and the company was fantastic too. Hope you enjoy the shots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you guys are squeezing in all these fun things before you leave. I know you will miss all your new friendships in Korea but we are certainly thrilled to have you coming home to America.